Page 6 - IDIOMS - Y
P. 6

•    You’re toast.

                              If someone tells you that you are toast, you are in a lot of trouble.
                         •    You’ve got rocks in your head.

                              Someone who has acted with a lack of intelligence has rocks in their head.
                         •    You’ve made your bed.

                              You’ll have to lie in it. This means that someone will have to live with the consequences of a their own actions.
                         •    Young blood.

                              Young peole with new ideas and fresh approaches are young blood.
                         •    Young Turk.
                              A Young Turk is a young person who is rebellious and difficult to control in a company, team or organisation.
                         •    Your belly button is begger than your stomach.

                               If your belly button is bigger than your stomach, you take on more responsibilities than you can handle.
                         •    Your call.

                              If something is your call, it is nup to you to make a decision on the matter.
                         •    Your name is mud.

                              If someone’s name is mud, then they have a bad reputation.
                         •    Your sins will find you out.

                              This idiom means that things you so wrong will become known.

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