Page 5 - IDIOMS - Y
P. 5

•    You can’t un – ring a bell.

                              This means that once something has been done, you have to live with the consequences as it can’t be undone.
                         •    You could have knocked me down with a feather.

                               This idiom is used to mean that the person was very shocked or surprised.
                         •    You do not get a dog and bark yourself.

                              If there is someone in a lower position who can or should do a task, then you shouldn’t do it.
                         •    You get what you pay for.

                              Something that is very low in price is not usually of very good quality.
                         •    You reap what you sow.
                              This means that if you to bad things to people, bad things will happen to you, or good things if you do good

                              things. It is normally used when someone has done something bad.
                         •    You said it!

                              Used to say you agree completely with something just said.
                         •    You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
                              This idiom means that if you do something for me, I’ll return the favour.
                         •    You what?

                              This is very colloquial way of expressing surprise or disbelief at something you have

                               heard. It can also be used to ask someone to say something again.

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