Page 4 - IDIOMS - P
P. 4


                         •    Paddle your own canoe.

                              If you paddle your own canoe, you do things for yourself without help.
                         •    Paint yourself into corner.

                              If someone paints themselves into a corner, they get themselves into a mess.
                         •    Pennies on the dollar.

                              If something is pennies on the dollar, it’s much cheaper than it cost originally.
                         •    Penny ante.

                              Something that is very unimportant is penny ante.
                         •    Pick-up game.
                              A pick-up game is something unplanned where people respond to events as they happen.
                         •    Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

                              This idiom is used to express being satisfied with enough, that being greedy or too ambitious will be your ruin.
                         •    Polish the apples.

                              Someone who polishes the apples with someone, tries to get into that person’s favor.
                         •    Pull numbers out of your ass.

                              If someone pulls numbers out of their ass, they give unreliable or unsubstantiated figures to back their argument.

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