Page 3 - IDIOMS - H
P. 3

•   Heart in the right place.
                                  Good natured hit the nail on the head Done the thing correctly.
                              •   Hand to much.

                                  Someone who’s living from hand to mouth is very poor and needs the little money they have coming

                                  in to cover their expenses.
                              •   Have no truck with.
                                  If you have no truck with something or someone. You refuse to get involved with it or them.
                              •   Hit the bull’s-eye.

                                  If someone hits the bull’s-eye, they are exactly right about something or achieve the best result possible.
                              •   Hold water.

                                  When you say that something does or does not ‘hold water’, it means that the point of view or
                                  argument put forward is or is not sound, strong or logical. For e.g. ‘Saying we should increase our

                                  interest rates because everyone else is doing so will not hold water’.
                              •   Hornest’s nest.

                                  A hornet’s nest is a violent situation or one with a lot of dispute. (if you create the problem, you ‘stir
                                  up a hornets’ nest’).

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