Page 4 - IDIOMS - G
P. 4


                                 •    Get on my last nerve.
                                      If something is geting on your last nerve, you are completly fed up, ready to lose your temper.

                                      (Southern USA).
                                 •    Give away the store.

                                      If someone gives away the store, they say or do something that makes their position in  negotiations,
                                      debates, etc, much weaker.
                                 •    Go fly a kite.

                                      This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
                                 •    Go fry an egg.

                                      This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
                                 •    Go over like a lead balloon.
                                      If something goes over like a lead balloon, it will not work well,  or go over well.

                                 •    Go pound salt.
                                      This means ‘Get lost or ‘Go away’ (‘Go pound sand’ is also used.)
                                 •    Go to the mat.

                                      If people go to the mat, they continue to struggle or fight to the end, until they have either won or
                                      have finally been defeated.

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