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                                  CULTURE FACTS

                                                                                  The 10 core values in the Family

                                       How do you define family values ? In our homes the family values are standards or ideals that , as a family,
                                    we agree to live and stay true to them.

                                       Have well defined family values helps solidify the foundation for a strong and close-knit family . strong and
                                    consistent family values are important in building trust and confidence in each family member .


                                                                                  1.- Membership

                                                                                     It is important that every member of my family feel that they are
                                                                                  loved , that they belong and are important. Being a family together
                                                                                  can mean we spend all free time together doing family activities, but
                                                                                  keep in mind that everyone is different.
                                                                                     The creation of a strong family unit is important, but each person
                                                                                  must allow space and freedom to explore the activities that they think
                                                                                  they can enjoy. People are braver and more willing to take risks if they
                                                                                  know they have a safe place to return when things do not work.

                                                                                     Gather for special occasions and holidays and just spend time
                                                                                  together as a family is what helps create that sense of belonging .
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